Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Module 6 Reflection

This module has helped me think about self-directed learners and the role of differention in the following ways: students are used to teachers directing the classroom so a student centered classroom is a bit of a change. Every single student learns in different ways, whether visual, auditory, kinesthetic, etc... The teacher's job is to differentiate instruction so that every student may learn.

Module 5 Reflection

This module has helped me think about student-centered assessment in many ways. First of all, I realized once I created the assessment that I didn't adequately address what was expected of the students in the beginning with the student sample. I needed to revise my student sample and instructional procedures to add more detail.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Module 4 Reflection

How can technology be used most effectively to support and assess student learning?

There are many ways that technology can be used effectively to support and assess student learning. The ways are: through presentation, publication, and web based resources such as blogs and wikis. For my project, I think presentations will be most effective to present research, proposal, or findings to an authentic audience outside the classroom. Publications can be newsletters, newspapers, posters, or brochures. Wikis would be used to provide a graphic organizer for research or to organize and collect links to student blogs. Blogs reflect on reading or classroom discussions and talk about shared classroom experiences.